Saturday, January 21, 2012

Linos melodised melic


Godlike lad Linos ~ cruelly slain with his own lyre ~ melodised melic



my translation from Rainer Maria Rilke, Orpheus #1


Beasts came out of stillness, out of the clearly thinned forest, a covert for darkest desire...

"Tiere aus Stille drangen aus dem klaren gelösten Wald.. ein Unterschlupf aus dunkelstem Verlangen..." Rilke


hat tip at Rilke


to moonlit water ~ sculling clouds above scudding ~ such things say I am



Friday, January 20, 2012



2011 was a poor year for nut production and storage. Local squirrels are now eating one another alive. There may be some lesson here.


cannibal squirrels ~ unsparing chase and battle ~ death sole hieron


Monday, January 16, 2012

Magna Mater


'Twon't be long now, said the The Great Mother in the hypnagogic visions of her Galli postulants.

